You are stopping yourself from finding your dream job.

"I can't pivot into a new industry"

"I'll have to start all over again!!"

Is this true?

Or is that your fear talking?

Well, these fears are commonly known as limiting beliefs

And these limiting beliefs are holding you back

Why do they exist?

Because we are hardwired for survival.

Change = danger.

In the past, thinking this way kept us safe

So it feels easier to stay and make the easy decision in the moment

But the game of life looks far different today.

So remember this:

- Hard decisions, easy life.
- Easy decisions, hard life.

I too used to be stuck and held back by my fear and limiting beliefs

But every day I wake up thankful I learned how to overcome them

Because when I did I was able to build a career that I never thought possible.

Moral of the story?

Change = possibility.

#ctrlaltcareer #careercoaching #careerdevelopment #limitingbeliefs


Why I Left My Dream Job at a Fashion Startup😱


"Grow up, work is not supposed to be fun."