Career Coaching in Singapore & Hong Kong

I help unhappy high achievers with their corporate jobs find and switch into a career they love

As Seen on


“I highly recommend Jen's career coaching for anyone looking for a change!”

“Jen was a great help when I was stuck between staying on in my current job or accepting an attractive offer from a successful startup.

Jen is an excellent listener and empathizer, she always asked the right questions that helped me contextualize my priorities and identify whether those were genuinely aligned with my long term interests or whether I was a victim of my own personal biases. And subsequently, how to factor those into my career decisions.

I always came away from our conversations feeling like I knew myself a little better.

For young, driven professionals, navigating career paths can often be a challenge and I highly recommend Jen's career coaching for anyone looking for a change.”

— Boon, BlackRock

Imagine what life would be like if…

  • You can wake up every morning excited to go to work?

  • You never felt the Sunday blues again?

  • Your life had a sense of direction and it was traveling towards a place you wanted?

  • Work no longer feels like work and you actually find yourself reading up on how to improve your work on the weekends?

Does it sound too good to be true? It’s not!

I’m telling you first hand that this exists and I built this program so you too can experience this for yourself.

What’s inside the Career Coaching Program?

Module 1: Mindset

You are often your biggest enemy. In this module we spend time busting myths and untangling you from deeply instilled fears and expectations, especially in Asia where there are deep seated beliefs in financial security and respect for your parents. We spend time answer questions like “Should I quit my job? I hate it but I don’t know what else I would even do!” We give you the courage to dream maybe for the first time ever, for yourself.

Outcome: Recognize what’s holding you back and having the courage and confidence to say no.

Module 2: OMG, Who Am I?

Now that you realize that your career and your life is yours to live. Then comes the realization that you have no idea what you’re interested in. You’ve spent so many years pursuing someone else’s dreams, you’ve never spent time trying to figure out what it is that YOU like. In this module, we take time to reflect and figure out how to find your interests and strengths. Using my tried-and-tested framework, we connect the existing dots in your life to create a clear picture of your future career.

Outcome: Be able to clearly articulate your interests, strengths, values and priorities and distill them into a career.

Module 3: Turning it into a career

Once we figure out what your passion is, it’s time to translate this into a career. We explore what kind of jobs you should be looking for and build a minimum viable product (MVP) for you to test the waters. We also spend time finding mentors and building the right relationships to get your foot in the door.

Outcome: A minimum viable product to test drive potential career paths and a clear action plan on how to achieve it.

Module 4: Landing your dream job

In the final module, we work on getting your resume in order, crafting your career transition story and negotiating to get the best possible offer. I’ll also give you a checklist on what you need to do to get your house in order before you jump into a brand new career path. We explore topics like financial planning, how to manage your exit, and how to overcome your own mental hurdles and self doubt.

Outcome: A new and confident you, ready to take ownership of your life and embark on a fulfilling career.

What People Are Saying



“I appreciate that Jen is objective, empathetic, approachable, encouraging and non-judgmental - I feel comfortable around her and am able to quickly open up and discuss some of my deepest fears and insecurities, which are preventing me from taking actions to change my career. I find these qualities extremely important in a career coach as they allow for trust and rapport to be established relatively quickly, creating a safe space for authentic conversations.

Jen has great listening skills and offer insightful comments. I appreciate how observant Jen is - she can pick up on the smallest things and connect the dots - which helps me to view things from a different perspective and better understand myself or the situation.

I also appreciate that Jen is patient, structured and analytical - she is able to help me entangle my thoughts quickly, when I am confused and going around in circles - thanks Jen!”

— L, lawyer


“Jen’s genuine interest in helping her clients understand their career goals was evident and she shepherded our conversation towards career topics important to me without being prescriptive. I definitely felt that my thoughts & concerns were being heard and after working with Jen, came away with clear and actionable questions to explore & further craft my vision.

In my case, I was struggling to identify what my passions were, but had a fairly comfortable and engaging current role. Speaking with Jen, she was able to quickly help me identify what skills used of my past & current roles resonated with me and how further vet how careers using those skills might interact with my true values (instead of internalized beliefs).

For anyone who is ready to do a deep-dive to answer if their career is aligned with their values and what to do if not, I'd definitely recommend scheduling a session with Jen.”

— Oliver, Amazon


“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Jen in the career coaching program. She is excellent at cutting through the noise to crystallise the essence of the matter, be it uncovering the underlying limiting belief, motivation, strengths and weaknesses.

I love how Jen lends a structured approach to analysing job prospects, it has been useful in weighing my options in a more measurable way.

Jen’s enthusiasm and sincerity. This process of pivoting can get exhausting at times and Jen has been encouraging throughout, she celebrates my wins and seems way happier about it than I am haha. I truly appreciate having her on my team!

— Cindy, Accenture


“The best part about working with Jen is that she doesn’t just ask generic questions or give broad advice. You can tell that she really listens and tailors her questions specifically to you.

I appreciate that she asks probing questions to get you thinking and has helped me to discover the values that matter to me in a career - which are quite different to what I had been thinking this whole time.

The soul-searching piece of the curriculum has also been SO helpful - to take a step back and revisit what makes you tick, what did you set out to accomplish when you first started working, etc.”

— Gabby, Vanguard


“Jen is very good at helping me identify my values that I didn't have clarity on. It helped me to better understand myself and identify what is lacking in my life.

Jen also challenge me to see things in new lens. She pointed out what is the old perception and how I can prove the opposite. It helped me to wider my perspective and unfold my hidden potential.”

— Tarn, Google


“Working with Jen has helped me regain my confidence. For quite some time, I was resigned to accepting a job in corporate communications, like most ex-reporters who are so busy that they don’t have time to really job hunt.

But thanks to this programme, I managed to successfully move into my dream role at my ideal publication.

It wouldn’t have been possible without what Jen taught me about informational interviews, tracking job listings on LinkedIn and believing in what I have to offer 😭.

What I love most about working with Jen is that she is so positive and organised - having a workbook to fill up really helps me stay focused!

I also love her new-age approach to career coaching and how there are affirmations, visualisations and customised text message formats, which makes the whole process fun instead of incredibly daunting.”

— Jessie, Straits Times


“Jen’s been extremely patient and helped me through my indecisiveness. I didn’t realize how my mental state was suffering from wanting to chase my career so badly yet she stayed with me, supported me even when I changed my thoughts and decisions 100x over. 

She supported me regardless of my decisions and wasn’t afraid to call me out (or be prepared to) as we worked closely together. 

Jen’s workbook is well structured and really well thought out - I love how action-oriented it is. 

She asks challenging questions in our sessions - e.g. “Would you feel sad if you didn’t get this role in 3 months? 6 months? 1 year?” setting up those simulation and scenarios makes you think about what you really want and be honest with yourself.”

— J, Stripe


"I really appreciate Jen’s honesty and the fact she listens really well and attentively, often pausing and letting me finish, before making any comment or feedback.

Jen then can make non-biased viewpoints, where she would be able to extract and pull things out from me, where often I don’t know the exact words/titles to the career or things I would never be able to speak out about.

I have lots of ideas and “answers” to questions I was never asked before, so the fact Jen knows what to ask creates more flow and focus, for the path I’m going on.

I also really like how there are hidden elements of psychology in our coaching session, where not only we talk about mindsets and thought process, but finding a path that is tailored to me, in order to break free of the old and forge forward.

To add on, I never thought I had any good “hard skill strengths” because what I do know, seems so typical and what everyone knows how to use (Excel, Powerpoint, Word, etc..).

She gave me a new perspective that my actual hard skill strengths are actually really valuable and can make money in the workplace, regardless on what I want to do, but rather finding the right role/fit to make those strengths shine.

Lastly, I do like how we thoroughly discuss through the research I did and going deep dive about the jobs, roles, and fit. It’s not just super surface level with a simple “yes or no” but full on explanation.

Her layout and structure for the worksheets are great to reference back and forth in order to set as reminders or remembering what needs to be done/accomplished. I particularly like the venn-diagram!

— Linda, Citi


“Before I signed up with Jen, as a 6th year corporate M&A lawyer, I realised this wasn’t the job I wanted in 10 years time but did not know what the next step was.

Jen has dedicated our sessions to finding my passion and how I derive job satisfaction, identifying transferrable skill sets I’ve gained as a lawyer and planning out my career exit.

I found most helpful her approach of breaking down tough questions such as finances or how to test my business ideas into smaller, more manageable steps, which has made my career transition less daunting and more realistic.

I’ve been feeling more inspired and confident in my decision to leave corporate with Jen’s support.

Thank you Jen for not only helping me with the practical planning but giving me the courage and strength to forge my non traditional career path!”

— K, lawyer


"Jen helped me overcome limiting beliefs that were preventing me from dreaming bigger and go after what I truly want - to become a VC investor.

I wouldn’t have had the courage to consider this had I not gone through her program.

I really appreciate that I was able to simulate what it’s actually like to be in a certain role so that I can shatter any illusions and have realistic expectations about the day-to-day.

I also appreciate the fact that Jen is patient, encouraging, and judgment-free during our sessions but will also push/challenge me. I think she strikes a great balance. I'd highly recommend Jen as a career coach for anyone feeling lost in their career."

— Kimberly


"I wanted to switch industries but had no idea how to figure out what’s next.

After working with Jen, I was able to identify my purpose - to build an impactful product and translate it into the business I'm currently building in personal finance education!"

Jen is a good listener and extremely patient. During the sessions, she asks probing questions which makes me start thinking deeply. This helped me to narrow down my interests with Jen.

I have also learnt how important it is to identify the values that matter as it made me better understand myself.

— C


“I signed up for Jen's program because I was losing vision of what I wanted to achieve in my career. I felt really stuck and did not know how I could reset my clouded thoughts.

Jen has been a great support system for professional/personal advice. She understands my challenges inside out.

I’m really glad that I have someone I can go to for real-time feedback on anything about my career plan/job searching/job applications."

— E, Microsoft

Who is this career coaching program for?

  • Are you a high achiever trying to figure out what your life’s calling is?

  • Do you feel unfulfilled and unhappy at your job despite graduating from a great university and landing the perfect prestigious, high paying job?  

  • Did you grow up thinking there were only 3 career options (finance, law, medicine) and have no clue what other careers out there are better suited for you?

  • Are you great at pleasing others, chasing and acing other people’s dreams but have no idea what your own dreams and goals are?

  • Do you want to quit your job but not sure what else you would even do?

Well then this is for you!

Still on the fence?

To get you started, here’s a FREE guide with 3 actionable steps you can take right now to find your passion.

Download here


Trying to figure out how to find your dream career?

A lot of us out there know that we hate our jobs, but what’s not so easy to figure out is what DO we like? What job would be better suited?

Watch this video, to hear my guests share some really great advice and actionable steps you can take if you are feeling a bit lost in your career.