I used to dream of building the next Airbnb.

It seemed so glamorous.


And aligned with my academic & professional ‘pedigree’ as a Columbia University graduate and VP at BlackRock.

It’s why I joined a startup accelerator too - to figure out what my big idea would be, find the right co-founder, build an MVP, scale and exit at a $1+ billion!

Oh, the vanity.

It took many years to realise that that wasn’t what I wanted.

There’s nothing attractive about having your investors haunt your every step!

Being responsible for the livelihood of hundreds of employees.

Or standing on the edge of a complete burnout!

But that doesn’t mean that I’m not ambitious.

And while I used to feel embarrassed that I “aimed low” and am just building a small profitable business

Or would get annoyed after dinners with some of my husband’s colleagues who saw me as just another wife building a lifestyle business

I realised my ambition is precisely what drove me to build a differentiated career coaching business

It’s what sets me apart from other career coaches and think about scale and growth in a way that other coaches aren’t

By asking bigger questions like:

❓ What is the best way to grow my topline funnel?

❓ Do I want to launch new products to serve a new audience?

❓ If I was to exit my business, what multiple would make me happy?

❓ And what do I need to do to make that happen?

Because it never hurts to think about it in the long term.

To dream big for my business.

And yes, maybe I’ll never be as big as Airbnb and I’ll never get multimillion-dollar valuations from a PowerPoint presentation

But I’ve come to accept that that’s ok.

Because this business that I have right now?

It’s a business that’s right for me.

And that’s the thing that matters most.

P/S: Do you have big dreams for your career but don’t know how to make it come true? Contact me DREAM to get started.

I’m a career coach who’s helped 100+ professionals from the likes of BlackRock, McKinsey and Google find their dream roles and I’m certain that I can do the same for you!


Our jobs are no longer as safe as they used to be.


I never knew that motherhood would break me.