Our jobs are no longer as safe as they used to be.

A generation ago, it was common to have lifelong careers at one company.

It was a hallmark of success.

Alternative options just didn’t exist.

In the year 2023, the world couldn’t be more different.

Linear career paths are no longer the norm.

If you think that relying on just your one job is enough, well, you might want to consider it.

Everything might be fine and dandy until…

It isn’t.

And you don’t want to be caught with your pants down!

So what can you do?

1️⃣ Be honest with yourself

Do you really love your job?

Is there true long-term stability in this field?

What are you doing as an “insurance policy” in case something unforeseen, e.g. retrenchment, happens?

Side hustles are easy to find and you don’t have to look too far.

Just leverage on your existing skill set to start building a small stable of clients outside.

You never know where those opportunities might lead you to.

2️⃣ Invest in yourself

We Asians are the most stingy when it comes to investing in ourselves, but we really shouldn’t be.

The S&P isn’t the only thing you can invest in.

There isn’t even a guarantee on investments when it comes to stocks!

Investing in yourself, on the other hand, could reap dividends for decades to come - you’re gaining more skills, becoming more marketable and staying relevant as AI continues to change the world.

Hot Tip: Looking for somewhere to start? you’re looking to identify and pivot into your dream career, I’ve got a FREE  webinar here: https://lnkd.in/gjzfSnB8

3️⃣ Speak to people!

The best way to know what’s happening in your industry (and what might be coming) is to just speak to people.

Speak to your colleagues, your managers and even your executives if the chance arises.

Subscribe to relevant newsletters and podcasts, set Google Alerts for key industry players and trends, and maybe even start a Medium account of your own to highlight your learnings as you go.

You never know who will read and later come knocking on your door!


I have many more tips on how you can stay relevant and desirable in this current job market.

So if you’d like to get more free career tips and learn about how you can pivot into your dream career, feel free to subscribe to my LinkedIn profile!

And do let me know in the contact form if there’s anything in particular that you’d like to see me cover.


🤔 What does Maslow have anything to do with your job?


I used to dream of building the next Airbnb.