2 years ago today, I incorporated my business! 🎉

And boy has it been a journey.

Thinking back, the first year was damn depressing.

❌ I had insane imposter syndrome - can I even help anyone?
❌ I’d hop on discovery call after discovery call and only have 1 person sign up out of every 10 calls.
❌ There were months where I made no money and didn’t know when I would get my next paycheck

And often, I found myself in tears, wondering if I’d made a mistake leaving the corporate world

Why am I putting myself through this awful rejection and financial instability when I can easily get a comfortable, stable, high-paying corporate job?

I won’t lie - I nearly gave up so many times.

So what changed?

Well, 4 things. I:

1️⃣ Became specific with my target audience

I overcame my imposter syndrome when I got specific on who I wanted to help.

I didn’t try to coach people on climbing the corporate ladder, I didn’t try to coach people on executive presence, I didn’t try to coach people on how to land their first job.

When I quit the FOMO and focused purely on only helping high achievers unhappy with their corporate job

Which was a problem I struggled with and figured out how to overcome, I felt more confident in what I had to offer.

2️⃣ Instilled structure to my programme

Instead of just selling my career coaching services per hour, I created a 12-session, highly structured career coaching program.

It gave potential clients clarity on what they were signing up for

And clear deliverables and milestones to hold both myself and my clients accountable to.

3️⃣ Built online presence

I’ve said this a hundred times but I’ll gladly say it again.

Having an online presence was a huge game-changer for me.

At first, I just came up with random posts that seemed SEO-friendly then I made a big 180-degree shift and decided to share MY personal story!

All that paid off.

Because people hire people.

My clients resonate with my story and choose me because of it.

That said, it wasn’t easy putting myself ‘out there’, until I…

4️⃣ Started to really believe in myself and my services

Part of what made me suck in the first place is that I was constantly doubting myself.

I kept questioning my services, my skills, and even the price I charged.

But I knew that this was a service so many people wanted – hell, needed.

I saw so many miserable people around me.

Peers who would love to pivot and change industries but didn’t know how.

And folks who could do so much with their careers but were stuck ‘cause of all the shitty excuses they told themselves.

I wanted to change that.

And I knew I could.

So I believed in myself… and the value just naturally came with that.

It’s been a crazy two-year ride.

But I’m so looking forward to the next two and all that is to come.


I have a daughter now and it’s changed my world.


I know I’m strange.