I have a daughter now and it’s changed my world.

I thought I knew what it took to be a parent but…


I really didn’t.

It’s also made me think a lot about what kind of a parent I want to be and how to balance work with motherhood.
So of course, I went to a trusted source for advice - my own mum.

I told her I was a bit bummed that I might not be able to be as aggressive in my business this year and might not be able to achieve goals like I used to.

And she told me, “You might be surprised. If you want to work hard, work hard now.

In the early days of motherhood, so much of it is keeping a baby alive and it’s ok if you outsource some of it.
Don’t be consumed with guilt if you’re not hands-on 100% (easier said than done).

But be present when your child grows up.

That’s when you have to really step up as a parent and instil the values that you want your child to have.

You can’t outsource this to other people, and you don’t want to do that either!”

Why do I share this today?

Because I believe that the same perspective in terms of outsourcing work applies to running a business.

One of the hardest things I had to learn was that I couldn’t do everything.

I had to let go.

What I wasn’t great at, didn’t enjoy and also didn’t have time for you, were all things that I had to outsource (provided that I could afford it).

Instead, I would focus on the things only I could do for my business. Ensure that it keeps running, growing and most importantly, that I don’t burn out!

Mothers are superheroes.

But we are not gods.

It is ok to ask for help sometimes.

Won’t you agree?

P/S: I’m a former BlackRock VP turned career coach who has helped 100+ high-flying professionals pivot from their jobs at financial, legal and consulting institutions to their dream jobs. To learn more, send me a contact form, “HELP!”


Here’s a secret we don’t want you guys to know:


2 years ago today, I incorporated my business! 🎉