I know I’m strange.

I talk about being a mother all the time - on LinkedIn, of all places!

But there’s a reason why.

It can be summarised in 2 words:

↪️ Giving back

To be honest, I wasn’t always this transparent, “share my journey, fears and failures” kind of person.

I’m Asian, after all!

We keep things close to our chest and don’t show emotions even among family.

But this changed when I grew up.

I moved to the States, studied at Columbia University and worked at a quintessentially American firm called BlackRock.

An environment where I needed to be vocal to even survive.

More than that, I began to be exposed to stories.

Stories of people who left their high paying jobs to pursue an unconventional career.

Of people who were willing to take a risk.

And not give a damn about what others said.

I didn’t know it at the time, but those stories proved life-changing.

Because I was absorbing those stories deep down inside.

Developing an awareness that maybe, just maybe, I could display that same courage too.

But I’m a cautious person so the first step I took was a tiny one - by launching my own podcast.

The upside to this: I now had the excuse to talk to these courageous people and ask about their own career pivots!

All of the above - from listening to stories to gathering them on CTRL ALT CAREER podcast - were tiny steps that I took to eventually pivot from BlackRock to working as a full-time career coach.

That is how powerful a story can be.

Which is why I continue to be so vocal today.

Sharing my career journey from leaving BlackRock to becoming an entrepreneur and a first time mother.

We can’t separate our personal lives from our professional lives.

So why not just share that journey & start paying it forward?

If I’m going through it, then someone else surely is too.

There’s no need for other people to make the same mistakes that we have.

Life is too short for that!

Do you have a story you want to share with the world?

Let me know by sending a contact form!

(Throwback to pregnancy days!)


2 years ago today, I incorporated my business! 🎉


𝐔𝐧𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡: It’s ok to be fired from your job.