“Work is just a means to an end.”

For the longest time, people kept telling me this.

And when I was in BlackRock, I kept telling myself the same thing:
💭 “I’m here for the money.”
💭 “This is part of hashtag#adulting, just do what you love on the weekends.”
💭 “Monday blues are normal”
💭 “A job is just a job, no one is truly happy with their career.”

And I listened to their “advice”.

I focused on rationalizing and pushing my emotions away.

And for a while it worked, but it all came exploding one day.

How could work just be a means to an end? When I’m spending half my life at work?!

What is the purpose of living if I’m only living for the weekends (~30% of my life)

I hated how days were slow.

But the weeks, months, and years would fly by because I kept living for the weekends

And I thought I couldn’t just let decades of my life go by like this.

And so after (a few!) emotional breakdowns, I finally put my foot down

Stopped listening to everyone’s “advice” and started living life on my own terms.

So if you have people telling you that “work is just a means to an end”, I don’t want you to listen to them.

Instead, I want you to place just as much weight on listening to what your gut is telling you.

I’ve worked with many clients from BCG, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, J&J, KPMG and more – who also used to believe the same, but have since turned their dream career into a reality.

But first, it began with a commitment.

A determination to change the way they approach work and life.

So if you want help finding that perfect-for-you job, contact me “POSSIBLE” and let’s get started.


Ah, what’s not to love about the finance industry?


“You’re too expensive” is something that I hear a lot.