The world around you is not linear, why should your career be?

Here’s your reminder that it’s ok, no, it’s GREAT…

🌱If your career is not following the linear path you envisioned
🌱If you changed your mind
🌱If you have new goals and career dreams
🌱Ifwhat you started off with is not actually what you want to be at anymore

☝🏼The first step is acceptance
✌🏼Then we can work on figuring out what’s next for you

And if you need help identifying what’s next for you, send me a contact form.

I’d love to see how I can help.

#careerhelp #careercoaching #jobseeking #careercoach #careerdevelopment


Change is the only constant after all.


Most people forget that building your dream career means saying no a lot.