Most people forget that building your dream career means saying no a lot.

Even if they sound great.

Like saying NO to:

❌ A high paying job.

❌ Your dream role in a prestigious industry.

❌ A VC-backed startup that solves a real problem that you’re facing.

But here’s the thing: Saying NO is hard.

One of the tougher decisions I faced was saying no to building a VC-backed business because it was always a dream of mine.

It was the reason I joined a fashion startup, and was further inspired by the founders of VC-backed businesses I interviewed on my Ctrl Alt Career podcast.

The big vision and drive that they all have in leaving a huge impact on the world was appealing.

But what I realize is that what might have been the dream in my 20’s may no longer be the ideal in my 30’s.

Did I want to be at the beck and call of my investors

Grinding, hustling to provide them the outsized returns they’re hoping for.

At a time when I was building a young family?

I also saw the tide turn within the startup world - capital was drying up, and gone are the days where investors didn’t care about you throw money at the problem. it was no longer growth at all cost, but profitability.

As they say - timing is everything.

It wasn’t an easy decision - I had been so set for so long on being a startup founder!

But a single decision can be perfect for one person and wrong for the other. It could also have been perfect at a certain life stage but no longer serve you at a different time

Ultimately, it all comes down to knowing who you are and what you value most.

Once those values are aligned, your career choices become clearer.

You are no longer swayed by what everyone is saying and trying to get you to do you.

You do you.

You stay you.

Isn’t that the best kind of life there is?

P/S: Contact me SWAY if you need help figure out what you need to say NO to in order to build your dream career!


The world around you is not linear, why should your career be?


After 4 years of #workfromhome, I have a love/hate relationship with it. 😅❤️🙃