Struggling to figure out what you’re interested in?

Stop overthinking, start doing.

Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are and what you are meant to be doing is just to try.

I know how hard it is to not overthink, especially for those of us working in jobs where we are paid handsomely for our ability to analyze vast amounts of information prior to making a decision.

Because of your training, it’s understandable that it can sometimes be difficult for you to just try something without any information.

So here are 3 tips on how to get out of your own head:

1) Just pick one option and go for it

This is your chance to learn more about data science.

Or turn your baking hobby into a business.

Stop deliberating and put your brain on hold.

If that’s too difficult, consider this

- By acting, I will be able to collect more information for me to analyze.

2) Break it down into bite-sized pieces

Sometimes we dream too big, and it can feel overwhelming.

And when we’re overwhelmed, we end up giving up on our dreams.

So cut them down into a to-do list so you don’t get overwhelmed.

3) Find an accountability partner

They can be your: 
- friend
- colleague
- mentor 
- career coach

It’s so easy to give up right before you see any results.

Find someone to keep you on track and make sure you stay consistent.

Are you stuck overthinking and over-planning what you should do? 

PS - My 1:1 career coaching program has helped many from consulting, law, big tech and more switch into a career they love without starting over

👉🏼 DM me to find out more or sign up for a free discovery call via link in profile
🔥 There’s only a little over 1 month before the year end
🎁 It’s time to gift yourself a career you wake up excited about

#ctrlaltcareer #career #careercoach #careerdevelopment #careerdevelopmentcoaching #overthinking #overwhelm #getoutofyourhead #accountability #tech #law #datascience


Just wanted to give a HUGE congrats to my client who managed to land 2 attractive startup offers without even applying to them!


💥 3 mindset shifts that helped me land my dream job