Stop gaslighting yourself.

I know because I used to do that to myself too.

Six years ago, I…

✅ was earning six figures in my 20s
✅ working in major cities New York and Hong Kong
✅ climbing the corporate ladder in finance
✅ living the dream that many of my peers had

And yet, I also…
❌ had very little energy left after work
❌ barely had time to be there for myself or my loved ones
❌ wasn’t doing something that fulfilled me
❌ experienced breakdowns and burnout regularly

I used to think that this was normal. .

I told myself:
“Jobs aren’t meant to be fun.”
“They’re just there to pay the bills!”
“You win some, you lose some.”

And that it’s okay to lose more because that’s just how the working world is.

I mean… I was living the dream, wasn’t I?

Fast forward to 2024.

Today, I…
✨ Am building a business that helps people every day
✨ Love my work and genuinely go to work excited every day
✨ Earn more than I ever did
✨ Control when and where I work, allowing me the flexibility to spend time with my baby girl
✨ Am driven by a purpose that truly fulfils me

How did I get here?

I could give you a detailed breakdown of the last six years, but what really changed was that I reframed my mindset.

I no longer gaslit myself.

And focused instead on what I truly wanted in a job.

I didn’t want to settle anymore.

And of course, the actions came afterwards.

So if these thoughts are swirling in your head…
“I shouldn’t leave, I’ve spent so many years here”
“What else can I do? This is the only job I’ve known”
“If I leave, will I ever  earn as much as I do now?”
“The job sucks but at least I have a ton of perks and benefits”
“No one has a perfect job; this is just what life’s like”

Contact me REFRAME, I’d love to help you get out of this rut.

First thing to know?

Your dream career IS possible.

We’ve just gotta find it, and together we will.


[PART 1] 6 Lessons I Learned in 2022


Always had difficulty saying no?