[PART 1] 6 Lessons I Learned in 2022

(1) Change is never easy but it's about doing it despite the fear

Even though I've pivoted my career before, it didn't make the second time any easier. I hemmed and hawed for weeks, months even.

Until I realised, at some point, you just decide, resign, and figure it out.

And actually, you feel so much better after making the decision.

The fear of the unknown goes from unproductive hypothesising, to planning and executing on next steps.

(2) Get clear on what you want

When you get clear about what you want from your career and your life

Life has a funny way of giving it to you and making it work.

I knew I wanted to build my own business that:
(1) gave me time and location flexibility,
(2) exponential personal and financial growth,
(3) serving a cause I felt strongly about - career clarity.

When I got clear on this, it made the decision to leave my job much easier.

(3) Take time to unplug & be present in your relationships

In a world of short attention spans and constant distraction, the biggest gift we can give someone is to be fully present.

I was lucky to be able to experience how life changing this can be when I spent an extended amount of time totally unplugged on my honeymoon.

(4) Build openly & doors will open

Finding a co-founder? Starting a company?

Start building openly, tell everyone you know, and doors will open.

People will start introducing you to a friend of a friend who's also doing something similar.

Can't find the right people to work with you?

Focus on getting results.

It's much easier to convince someone to join when you've got some traction.

Which leads me to #5…

(5) Protect your space + find your cheerleaders

The early days of change is so vulnerable.

Once you start getting results, people will pile on the support.

It'll be easier to explain the decisions that seemed reckless earlier.

Momentum will propel you forward.

But the tough part is getting this cog moving in the first place.

Create space for yourself to build.

Find your cheerleaders who will support you in those early days.

(6) Understanding + regulating the emotions behind the statistic

People say entrepreneurship is tough.
- That 9/10 businesses fail.
- That 9/10 times people will reject you and laugh you out the room.

And you see those statistics and you think you already know, you're going in eyes wide open.

But internalizing that statistic?
- Feeling the emotions of that statistic?
- Actually experiencing that level of rejection and still wanting to push through?

That's another level of mental work.


Follow me for Part 2 coming in the next few days!

PS - Tired of feeling unfulfilled at your corporate job but don't know what's next? My 1:1 coaching program is designed to help you identify & pivot into your dream career. Sign up for a FREE discovery call.

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