“Stay for another year, and we’ll give you what you want.”

Sound familiar?

A client told me that this was what she heard her friend go through in her previous job.

Let’s call that friend May.

May’s job was in the public sector and it was… ok.

For a long time, she knew it was not what she really wanted to do.

Yet, she stayed for NINE years, during which she:

❌ Was promoted only once
❌ Was given more work as the years passed
❌ Was promised a lot of things that unfortunately didn’t come to fruition
“You’ll be promoted after you complete this project!”
“By doing all this, you’re gaining visibility and increasing your chances of a bonus!”
“All this is for your own growth and development!”

May knew it was strange.

She got frustrated.

But she was also told this was just part and parcel of being in a large company, so she did nothing.

And she rationalized away her frustration

Convinced herself that she was “thankful” to have an iron rice bowl job.

What finally got her to change?

When she met a colleague who worked in the same team as her, but:
Got promoted twice in 3 years
Was compensated for all the extra work he did
Made sure to hold his bosses accountable for the “promises” they made

And when he didn’t get what he deserved?

He left.

As simple as that.

To May, it was MINDBLOWING.


Because she never saw anyone else do that.

It was only after she befriended her colleague who was brave enough to stand up for himself at work that she knew she couldn’t stay any longer either.

It took May ONE colleague to snap her out of her delusions.

Delusions that lasted NINE long, miserable years.

Sounds like an insane timeline but… I get it.

Because I was just like that.

Seven long years in a cushy corporate job at BlackRock because… It was all I knew.

I didn’t know of other opportunities, or that you could start your business, and certainly had no connections in the fashion industry.

Then I realised that I wasn’t alone.

And that this didn’t have to be the status quo.

Which is when everything started to change for me.

And that got me – and people like May – moving.

So if you feel stuck in your corporate job and you feel like you’re alone.

Here’s me telling you: You’re not.

Lots of people who are unhappy with their jobs DID SOMETHING.

You can too.

To get practical next steps on finding your dream career contact me “STEP”.

I’ve helped so many people unhappy and alone in their corporate jobs from companies like EY, BlackRock, Shopee, Tan Tock Seng Hospital and more.

I can’t wait to help you too.


Unpopular Opinion: You do NOT need to apply for x1000000 jobs to land your dream role.