My husband is a trader and we work in completely different worlds doing completely different things

But here are 6 things he’s taught me about entrepreneurship.

1️⃣ Focus on the long game

Sometimes, things don’t work out. For a trader, that could mean losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a series of months.

Which is not dissimilar to my months of financial drought when I failed to close any coaching clients.

The key is to stay focused on the long game; average out the earnings I make from one month over the span of a year and adjust my personal expenses accordingly.

2️⃣ Keep putting yourself out there

Despite not getting 100% of your calls right, a trader must keep putting himself out there while deploying the same sort of risk size.

You’ll only fail if you give up.

Similar to my business, I know that I won’t close every client but I have to keep trying no matter how hard it is.

3️⃣ Strategy is important

You need to have conviction that your strategy will work in the long run.

You can reevaluate and make small adjustments, but the game plan should remain the same.

Similarly, a brand is not built by changing your target audience, your product and your problem statement all the time just to bring on new clients.

You build a brand by staying consistent with your messaging.

4️⃣ Stay disciplined

My husband is the most disciplined person I know. He always wakes up at the same time and has a very fixed daily process that he goes through without fail.

That translates to his work, where he maintains the same processes and risk manages his trade by following the same rules that he’s set for himself. That allows him to remove the emotion from his trading and stay focused.

While I don’t have quite the same level of discipline, I definitely find that having a fixed schedule helps a lot in ensuring that I’m doing everything that’s required to keep my business going!

5️⃣ Analyse your competitors (but don’t be intimidated)

My husband likes to analyse other traders but he only takes elements that he thinks would work for his trading style; nothing more.

Similarly with running a business: Don’t blindly follow a piece of advice just because it worked for someone else.

Every case is unique and you need to ensure that it fits your business and personal style and preference.

6️⃣ Celebrate small wins

This is one of my biggest takeaways, and also one of the hardest to implement.

For my husband, he finds that the best way to pick yourself back up after big down days is to focus on the small wins, and having one small up day can change his entire outlook.

It’s all about momentum and mindset.

Once you regain your “mojo” or confidence, then you’ll find that things start falling back into place again.


I hope you find the 6 pieces of advice helpful!

What other entrepreneurial advice do you have that you find most helpful?

PS: Feel free to give this a reshare if you found this helpful.


The first two weeks after my baby came into my life was… Unforgettable.


I worked at BlackRock for ~7 years.