Last month was my biggest revenue month to date.

And here’s why: I invested in hiring.

Let me backtrack.

For the longest time, I was the one handling everything in my business, including every single sales call with prospective career coaching clients.

It took up 50%+ of my days.

And eventually, I accepted the fact that I needed help.

So I started hiring a salesperson.

And to be perfectly frank - the initial period was scary.

It was scary because I knew that she’d have to fail a few times before she’d be able to close a sale

And while it might just be a failed call for her, every client she doesn’t close is a substantial loss of revenue for me and has a real dollar impact.

But I pushed forth because I knew, that to scale a business I would need to delegate. There’s no way I can do it all.

And so when she closed her first client, I was thrilled.

More thrilled than she was, perhaps.

Because I experienced for the first time the power of leverage -

Of being able to make money without having to do the actual work.

And last month, it finally all came together.

In retrospect, I believe a lot of her success had to do with:

✅ The additional hours that I had spent retraining her on her sales & closing pitches
✅ The additional scripts I gave to her to rely on during her calls
✅ The additional testimonials that boosted her belief in the program

In essence, she could capture the vision that I had for my program.

And share with it the people who wanted to learn more.

This has given me huge comfort as I’m on maternity leave.

And also reminded me of how being a business owner comes with a lot of privilege and autonomy, but it also requires a lot of additional planning and strategy to ensure that things keep running even when I have to step back.


Don’t compromise on hiring A+ people for your team.

They’re the real game changers in your business.

P/S: Do you want to leverage my expertise as a career coach to find the dream career for yourself? Contact me LEVERAGE to get started!


2023 was momentous for me → I grew my business by 7x (while pregnant)!


I threw away my 6-figure salary for a 50%+ pay cut.