I’m terrified of announcing this…

I’m terrified of announcing this (it’s about money) BUT I know Younger Me would’ve appreciated it so… here we go:

Last month was a high 5-figure month for me! 🎉

I made more in 1 month than I did working in a startup for an entire *year*!!

Wanna know my secret?

I took a risk & invested in my business.

I used to approach everything as a cost -
❌I can do this myself, I don’t need to spend money hiring someone
❌I can do this better myself, I’m wasting so much time teaching someone

But last month, I had a massive mindset unlock

My coach reminded me that if you want to operate at a 7-figure level, you have to think like a 7-figure business owner

❓ And would a 7-figure business owner hesitate at hiring?
❓ Would you be able to even reach 7-figures without hiring?

And so I invested in a salesperson & a social media strategist to help me scale up my sales calls and LinkedIn presence respectively.

This was terrifying on 2 fronts:
👉🏻 I’m a #perfectionist & like to be in control of every stage of the process; and
👉🏻 It was a huge #financialinvestment and I had no clue if it would pay off
But I decided to take the plunge and start acting like a #7figurebusinessowner.

And boy was I blown away by the results.

I learned that:
🔥 I don’t need to be a perfectionist; I just need things to get done;
🔥 I should let the experts handle the parts of my business that they are business at; and
🔥 Focus on the parts that only I can do.

On a personal note: Last month broke all my #limitingbeliefs.

And the sky feels like the limit! 💪

I remember not too long ago, even a $10,000 month seemed impossible.

I remember not too long ago, I was negotiating for $x,000 increases in my monthly salary.

I remember not too long ago, a pay bump of anything above 20% was the best thing that could have happened to me.

And today, I’ve seen my business regularly grow 100%, 200% month over month. 📈

And I know one day there will come a limit but it certainly is a lot more freeing than the confines of the corporate world.

And reminded me why I chose this journey to begin with.

And I want to share this because I want you to know it’s possible for you too.

I really am no different from you.

You've got this! 💪 ⭐

If you're looking for someone to help you in this journey, send me a message, I'd love to see how I can help. 💌 🤝

ICYMI: I'm an ex-BlackRock #careercoach that specializes in helping #highachievers find their #dreamcareers. So if you're feeling lost & looking for your #nextstep, feel free to send me a contact form! 🌟 🚀


Reading this might be a waste of your time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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