Hot take: Business school is a waste of time.

Hear me out -

Most people go to business school to reset their careers.

But what I've noticed is that UNLESS people go to business school with a clear and specific career plan...

Most come out doing basically the same thing they were doing before school.

OR worse:

They come out still as lost and unhappy as ever with their next job or role.


It's because the business school experience does not focus on UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF and your career values

This is an extremely crucial step that business schools - and frankly many people in general - skip when it comes to finding individuals' dream careers.

And so when it comes time to find a job after graduation, it's so easy to apply to the big companies that recruit on campus.

Hell, I was there too.

That's actually how I ended up in finance after I graduated.

I had no clue what I wanted from a career.

All I knew was that I needed a job.

The path of least resistance was just to apply to whoever was actively recruiting for you.

⚡️Here are 2 things I would have done differently -

1. Really understand who I am and what I am looking for in a career

What are my values, strengths, and interests?

What am I really into?

Rather than trying to fit myself into what the company is looking for, I would've wanted to find a company that fits ME.

2. Expand my job search to roles that don't recruit JUST on campus.

Here's the thing: There's sooooo many more career options than finance, consulting and big tech.

And many of the roles that might be better suited for you will often require a bit more digging and researching.

It may be harder to do this, but trust me -

These initial steps will make the whole career search journey so much more worth it.

So if you're burnt out from your job and thinking about going to business to reset your career and figure out your next steps...

Before you throw away six figures and 2 years of life, Contact me "LOST".

Save your precious money and spend it on something that's likely to be a lot more effective.


I bombed 💣 my first job


“I make more money than you.”