Here’s a hot take: you’re not going to build a career you love by consuming content

Take me for example:

When I was trying to get clarity in my career -

❌ I spent years reading every self-help book under the sun

❌ I watched every Youtube video on Ikigai and finding career clarity

❌ I listened to every podcast episode there was on building a career I love

❌ But nothing changed - I stayed stuck at my job in finance for 7 years with no idea what it was that I wanted to do next

Because despite consuming all that knowledge

I had no clue how to apply it to my own life and blind to the possibilities ahead.

It was one thing to know the concepts, but a whole other thing to actually know how to apply them and get myself into a career I truly loved.

It wasn’t until I invested in my own career coach - who forced me to start implementing and helped point out my blind spots

✅ That I started to gain true clarity for myself

✅ And was able to define and pivot from finance into my dream job at a fashion startup

And the same thing happened when I was about to start my business in career coaching, I watched countless YouTube videos, and read stacks of books.

I thought I was taking in all this knowledge and improving my skills.

But at some point, I realised that nothing was actually happening:

❌ I was still in my previous role

❌ I had achieved nothing in my business

❌ I had no clients, no program, and no idea how even to price my services

It was only until my business coach

✅ Forced me outside of my comfort zone to start creating content on social media

✅ Guided me step by step along the way

That momentum started to build and things started to change.

And today, I have built a multiple 6-figure business and have the privilege to work with clients from companies like Citibank, Bytedance, Bayer and more, building a career they truly love.

So if you too are tired of consuming content and still not able to get yourself into a career you love - send me a message “IMPLEMENT”, I’d love to see how I can help.


99.9% of job hunters don’t know the key ingredient to finding their dream job.


Singapore is the birthplace of my reinvention.