Being a female can really suck.

Yes, you read that right.

I felt this especially when I became a mum.

Before this, gender never meant much.

I was lucky enough that I had equal opportunities my entire life

Access to the best schools, an equal chance at the best jobs…

But I truly felt the difference when I got pregnant.

My husband and I were both having a child.

Yet I was the one
🌩️ Going through all the physical changes
🌩️ Who had to go through labor
🌩️ Who had to get up to breastfeed the baby every few hours

And I already have the most supportive, incredible husband who wants to help with everything that he possibly can

But the reality is that there are just some things he physically cannot do.

And before anyone calls me out, this is NOT to say that I don’t like being a mum.

Being a mother is one of the best things that has happened to me. I wouldn’t give it up for anything else!

But I also acknowledge the realities and struggles of being a mum, especially one who also wants to thrive in her career.

Because despite having the same opportunities as my male counterpart…

Physically it’s much harder for a woman to balance caregiving and a career.

And I truly understand now why women decide to take a step back in their careers (or even drop out of the workforce) at this juncture of their lives

And while a lot of companies are trying to tackle this and create an environment that allows you to thrive both at work and at home

I’m not sure we’ve quite figured it out yet

Because even for myself, I decided that the only way to balance family and work is to build my own business so I can be in control of both my own time and my finances.

And so I’d love to know -

For all the mums out there - what would YOU want?


I worked at BlackRock for ~7 years.


Even if you’ve many interviews lined up, it doesn’t always mean it’s for the job that’s good for YOU.