19: Jada Poon, from lawyer to award-winning photographer

Jada Poon is an award-winning wedding and portrait photographer based in Hong Kong, and the founder of Jada Poon Photography. Prior to this, she studied law at Oxford University and was a practicing lawyer for a couple of years.

In this episode she shares - 

(i) How she found her passion in photography and pivoted from a career in law

(ii) How to price your services and set your own rates

(iii) What she hopes to achieve through her work, such as the empowerment of other women

(iv) Her thoughts on balancing both financial security and passion

(v) And many more…

For more about Jada - https://www.jadapoonphotography.com/


If you’re feeling unhappy with your corporate job and looking for some guidance, you can find me on -

(i) Instagram @ongjennifer_

(ii) LinkedIn

(iii) Or download my free guide to finding your passion here.

(iv) Want to work with me 1:1? Sign up for a FREE discovery call to learn more about my career coaching program here.


20: Renee Wu, from Microsoft to owning a pole dance studio


18: John Lim, from architect to founding This Humid House - botanical design studio