17: How to find your dream career

A lot of us out there know that we hate our jobs, but what’s not so easy to figure out is what DO we like? What job would we want that’s better suited to us? 

This was something I personally struggled with for a long time - I knew my finance job wasn’t the best fit for me, but what else was I even interested in, what else do I even like? 

I want to compile this episode for you guys because a lot of my guests shared some really great advice and actionable steps you can take if you too are feeling a bit lost in your career.

I do a lot of work on this topic in my 1:1 career coaching program, so if you’re feeling lost and would like some guidance, send me a message and let’s see how I can help! You can find me on Instagram @ongjennifer_ or Linkedin.


18: John Lim, from architect to founding This Humid House - botanical design studio


16: Carolyn Yim, from Saks Fifth Avenue to founding Ply-Knits