When I worked at BlackRock, I had everything I wanted.

✅ Good pay
✅ Fancy clothes
✅ 5-star hotel stays and a generous daily food allowance on business trips

But I wanted MORE.

So I turned to Google for help.

But how wrong I was. How much of a waste of time that was.

You know how Google is.

Everyone has gamified the SEO system

So most answers are generic, bland and useless.

I went down the rabbit holes of YouTube videos, blogs, personality tests, career books etc.

You name it, I tried them.

I spent years going down this path and still, I couldn’t find the answer to the simple question of: What. Next.


The change?

A coach.

It took me years to make that investment

Because I thought that as a Columbia graduate and BlackRock VP, I would 100% be able to figure it out.

How silly I was

And I'll let you in on my biggest secret behind how I managed to build a career I truly love -

Investing in my own career coach

He helped:

🔥Keep me accountable
🔥Give me proper structure (so I didn’t go down the wrong rabbit holes)
🔥Had the relevant expertise - after helping many other high flyers make the same career transition

🔥Was the perfect accountability partner - because career switching is terrifying, arduous and lonely.

Having one cheerleader by my side made all the difference.

In fact, my coaching experience was so transformative

I wanted to give back and guide others who felt as lost as I did.


If the above resonates with you, shoot me a Contact saying “YES” & maybe we could work on figuring out what your dream career is. 😉


As a business owner, I get the freedom to do a lot of things.


Last month was my biggest revenue month to date.