Promotions don’t fall from the sky.

You need to be intentional and strategic about them.

It’s how I landed my own promotion as VP at BlackRock.

And today, I’m spilling my secrets on how you can land your own promotion!

1️⃣. Raise your hand for high impact projects
Don’t wait for tasks to come to you; actively seek out projects that showcase your leadership potential.

Get involved in projects that catch the eye of decision-makers.

And make yourself indispensable.

2️⃣. Keep your managers informed
Be proactive in advocating for your work.

Share any notable compliments you receive from a colleague or vendor to your boss. Invite them to important meetings you’re leading, and provide them with summaries afterward.

3️⃣. Know your promotion panel
Find out how the promotion process works and who has a say in your promotion.

In my case, the panel consisted of individuals from Asia, Europe, and the US. Knowing this, I took steps to increase my visibility across these regions.

When our European and Asian teams merged, I proposed a rotation to London, framing it as a benefit to the team - it would enhance our understanding of markets and improve our selling strategies.

When I was in New York, I would work from the BlackRock NYC office and organise teach-ins for the team, sharing about what was happening in Asia, the bestselling funds & trends that they needed to be aware of.

All in the name of building visibility and reputation across the organisation!

4️⃣. Build Relationships Beyond Your Team
Don’t focus just on impressing your immediate circle. Engage with colleagues from other teams, portfolio managers, and sales teams.

Show them the value you bring and cultivate a positive reputation throughout the organization.

5️⃣. Get Involved Beyond Your Job Description
Take part in initiatives like employee networks or volunteer to mentor juniors.

I led the Women’s Network in Hong Kong, which allowed me to interact with senior leaders and demonstrate my leadership abilities.

And it shows you care and want to contribute back to the organisation beyond your day job.

6️⃣. Keep Track of Your Achievements
Maintain a brag sheet detailing your accomplishments throughout the year & use it when discussing your promotion with your boss!

7️⃣. Craft An Elevator Pitch For Your Boss To Sell You
Don’t overestimate your boss’ ability to sell you.

Give them as much ammunition as possible for them to speak highly on your behalf in the promotion process!

Give them the words (+ brag sheet) needed to sell you in the promotion panel.

And remind them how you demonstrate the culture traits that the organisation promotes.

Don’t underestimate some of these softer characteristics - it’s often the kicker that gets you across the line!


It’s time to take a proactive approach to your career development.

Don’t let that well-deserved promotion slip away!

Contact me PROMOTION if you need any help.


Ctrl+Alt+Career podcast: Style Theory Founders


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