Juggling entrepreneur work while pregnant is tougher than I thought.

I want to start by saying I'm really grateful that my baby's doing well, and I'm so excited to meet her soon.

But man, it’s been a struggle.

Because taking a step back and slowing down in my business?

It’s really taking me out of my comfort zone.

Here are 2 big Expectations vs Realities that I’ve been grappling with:

1️⃣ Professional pace

Expectation: Maintain the same work pace I’ve been going at for all my career

Reality: Adapt my pace to accommodate my changing physical and emotional needs

I’ve always been a Type A go-getter.

I thought I could do the same for pregnancy and maintain the same pace that I’ve always been on.

Boy, I couldn’t be more wrong.

My body is going through SO MUCH: Fatigue, hormones, and more.

It was impossible to keep going the way I did.

So I’m learning to adapt accordingly and listen to my body.

But it’s been hard un-learning a lot of these habits, and shifting my mindset that it’s ok for things to take longer

2️⃣ Balancing wanting to achieve and doing what’s best for the baby

Expectation: How hard can it be? The baby’s not even here yet!

Reality: Pregnancy brain is real, and I’ve gotten pretty sick this past week and it’s really forced me to slow down. 

This was a huge slap of reality to the face.

Real Talk: Slowing down doesn't mean you're weak.

TBH - it’s still a lesson I’m trying to learn

And there have been many moments where my body has had to physically shut down for me to really slow down

As I progress further along the pregnancy, my body has needed me to slow down more

And I’m still learning how to balance rest and recovery with all the excitement that goes into wanting to build and grow the business

So, here's the deal I gave myself: Take breaks, pass off tasks to others, and give yourself more time to get things done.

All of that is totally cool and seriously needed on this journey.

It's not about doing it all; it's about doing what's best for you and your baby.

You’re growing an entire human being, after all.

Phew, these were just two of the many I’ve learned so far.

To all the amazing working moms out there, you’re all truly something else!

Do you have any advice for balancing parenthood and your career?!

I’d love to hear your thoughts 💪👶👩‍💻


When I first started my coaching career business, I had a LOT of worries.


My first 6 months as an entrepreneur were full of failures and rejections.