Job seekers, remember this: Interviews are a two-way street.

Push for what you want - just as my client did!

Here’s what happened:

My client was looking at a web3-oriented product marketing role and landed an offer with a company she wanted.

But she wanted her job to also include NFT work but given the current lack of interest in the NFT space, the company told her that this wasn’t possible.

But my client didn’t stop there.

She countered with this: Let’s expand my scope of work to include NFTs where possible.

This would create a win-win situation: She would have the NFT exposure she wanted and the company’s NFT department would have an additional resource who was also fulfilling a need within the company.

And you know what?

The company accepted her counteroffer!


4 major takeaways:

1. Don’t let the first no stop you.
2. Put yourself in your employer’s shoes and try to create win-win situations that would be impossible for hiring managers to say no to.
3. Negotiate on not just compensation, but also job scope - think about where you might want to be in the future!
4. During negotiations, phrase it as “This is how I can contribute more to the business” as opposed to “This is what I want you to do for me.”


Never be afraid to ask.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

And what’s the worst that can happen, right? 😉

P/S: If you need help making career pivots or negotiating an offer, contact me NEGO.

I’ve helped people from Goldman Sachs, Google & McKinsey leave their perfect-on-paper jobs to find something perfect for them and I’m sure that I can do the same for you too.

Remember: It never hurts to ask!


I have a love/hate relationship with BlackRock.


😔We spend so much time worrying about what other people think about us