Burnout is real.

And it’s 💯not worth it.

My last experience with burnout was back when I was working in a fashion startup.

I was helping to set up its Hong Kong office

AND also setting up my career coaching business (which, in retrospect, was an insane thing to do!)

My days went like this:

▪️ M-F 10 - 7pm: Fashion startup
▪️ M-F 7 - 7.30pm: Dinner
▪️ M-F 7.30 pm - 12am: Coaching
▪️ And weekends 10 am - 6 pm: Coaching

I kept this schedule going until one day, my body gave up on me.

I woke up and literally couldn’t do anything.

I couldn’t read an email, I couldn’t write anything, I couldn’t absorb anything.

For someone who is always on the go - it was an immensely jarring (and scary) experience.

In fact, the only thing I could do was just sit still and do nothing.

Think nothing.

I couldn’t even read or listen to music.

What eventually helped was for me to sit by the beach in Hong Kong and stare at the waves.

It took me an entire week to feel better.

While this happened several years ago, the burnout experience has stayed with me.

A reminder that I was not a machine and that I needed rest.

Even if half a dozen urgent things still remained on my to-do list.

So I’m taking that lesson to heart as I prepare for the next big change in my life: Motherhood

I recently had a bad fall and sprained my ankle while multitasking on my phone 🤦

And it was a good reminder that it’s not just me now that I’m responsible for.

I will never compromise on the quality of work and services that my client will receive but I accept that it won’t be possible to be a supermum and a super businesswoman at the same time.

And I’m trying to learn and accept that it’s OK.

It’s called being human and I’m learning to give myself a little grace.

So for those reading this who also feel overstretched and exhausted, please.

Remember to rest.

I know it’s hard when you’re so accustomed to going at 100%.

I’m also learning too.

P/S: Are there any parents out there with tips on how to juggle parenthood with running their own business? I’d love to hear from you!


Quiet excellence doesn’t pay the bills.


I still remember the disapproval I faced and the disappointment I had to deal with.