6 Ways to Figure Out If You Should Quit Your Job

Making a decision to leave your job - it’s scary!

I recently left behind my dream job as a general manager of a fashion startup in Singapore and I’ll be sharing a framework on how to decide or think through if you should leave your job.

Here are six ways to figure out if you should quit your job.

  1. Do NOT rage quit - The last thing you want is to quit your job and then regret leaving or then realizing that the grass is NOT actually greener on the other side

  2. Use regret minimization framework - Would you regret staying or leaving your job more?

  3. Decisions are not binary -  I want to challenge you today to look at this decision not in binary terms but in shades of gray

  4. Write Pros and Cons list

  5. Identify your next step and ask: Do I need to quit?

  6. Figure out your personal finances

What’s stopping me from leaving my job? 

  • Start planning for your future / have a sense of what you want to do next and some traction

  • What do I actually want to do?

  • Cost/benefit (risk) analysis

  • What are your values?

  • Is fear stopping you? 

If you want to learn more or need a bit more guidance, my career coaching program is built to guide you through this. Drop me a message, I’d love to see how I can help. 

Hopefully, this was helpful and if you liked it do smash that like button and subscribe to my channel and while you're at it share it with a friend in need.

Your coach,



I’m Jen & I’m a failure 👋


How to Land Your DREAM JOB Right Now!